
Chartered Marketer


Andy Brough qualified as a Chartered Marketer in 2001. This is the top professional marketing designation in South Africa and is now also recognised by the European Marketing Confederation (EMC). 

What do Chartered Marketers do?

Chartered Marketers operate at a strategic level, fulfilling a management role, often as an executive director on the Board of a Corporation. The Chartered Marketer Programme is accredited by the Services SETA. The Services SETA is authorized through the Skills Development Act to certify vocational and professional competence, and to designate individuals according to the level of occupational competency attained.


  • Set marketing policy to meet business strategic plan
  • Co-ordinate and synergize strategic marketing plan
  • Generate alternative opportunities
  • Position a market strategy
  • Manage specialised areas in marketing management
  • Set marketing ethics policy
  • Instill marketing culture in all stakeholder groups
  • Set research policy
  • Develop and integrate all aspects of the research Programme to meet the corporate business objectives
  • Sponsor research projects
  • Manage specialized areas in marketing research
  • Develop an integrated marketing communications strategy
  • Develop and manage global marketing communications strategy
  • Manage specialised areas in marketing communications
  • Develop a public relations and marketing campaign
  • Design and develop customer acquisition and retention strategies to meet corporate business strategies
  • Conceptualise innovative customer service systems and strategies
  • Create a culture of customer service in the supply chain
  • Manage specialised areas in customer management processes
  • Set sales procedures and policies to meet business strategic plan
  • Develop and monitor an annual sales plan

In our case the CM qualification has opened doors for Andy to be part of the external faculty at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (University of Pretoria).